Your To Do List:
Go to the Not Linked Pages and the “Put Menu Items Here” blog page and add all of the menu items with their images. You will need to add categories for all of them.
Go to the Pages that are in the “Dishes” folder and add summary blocks to each of those pages and tell the summary block which category to show on that page.
Add any new Dishes pages that you need.
Add all of the Menu pages that you need to the Menus folder.
Go into each of those Menu pages and copy/paste the menu.
There are a couple of forms on the site. Those forms all default to my email address so you will need to Edit each form and change it to your email address in the Storage area.
All of the videos that you need to accomplish these tasks are listed below.
You can message me and schedule more time with me (at 50% off) by clicking HERE and going to my 99 Designs profile.
Changing Images
Adding Dish Items & Using Categories
Adding New Pages
Adding New Dish Pages